Salad with garlic shrimps

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Salad with garlic shrimps


for salad:
*Cucumber — 170g
*Salad — 50g
*Boiled Shrimps — 150g
*Сherry tomatoes — 160g
*Pinch of sesame for decoration — to taste.
*Avocado — to taste.
*Clove of garlic.
*Lemon juice — 5 g
*Salt and pepper — to taste.
*Olive or sunflower oil  — to taste.

*Fry garlic into oil and out it.
*Fry boiled shrimps on  garlic oil for 2 min.
*Cut all ingredients.
*Mix all well and season with lemon juice , add condiment.
*Pour oil on top a bit and add sesame (to taste)/
Salad is ready!

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