Chocolate mousse

Шоколадный мусс вкусный рецепт десерта в домашних условиях
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Chocolate mousse

Шоколадный мусс вкусный рецепт десерта в домашних условияхIngredients for 3 cups:
+Heavy cream 30-35% (№1)  — 100g
+Milk chocolate — 50g
+Dark chocolate — 100g
+Gelatine — 6g
+Heavy cream 30-35% (№2)  — 160g

1. Soak gelatine in a very old water.
2,Heave cream #1 brings to the boil and take off the heat.
3.Add gelatine . Gelative should totally escape in the hot heavy crem.
4.Pour hot heavy cream on milk and dark chocolate, wait utill all ingredies  smooth.
5.Blend heavy cream #2 up untill couse cream condition.Haavy cream does not fix a shape.
6.As temperature of chocolate lequide is abot 30-35 degrees, unit with blended heavy cream #2, blend all ingrediens up untill smooth.
7. Pour into moulds.
8.Regrigerate for 1 hour.
9.Decoration — optional.
I recommend to decorate with cocoa and fresh berries or nuts.

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