Fish soup with salmon

Суп рыбный из лосося
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Fish soup with salmon

Суп рыбный из лососяIngredients:
*1-2 Filet, steak, fisn ends of cuts: salmon, atlantic salmon, trout.
*1 middle onion
*1 carrot
*4 potatoes
*Bay leaf
*Basmati rice
*2,5 l water

1.Boil the fish with onion (not cutted) on low heat for 40 min. Add bay leaf (optional) and peper. Cut vegetables.
2.Take off the fish and onion, sift the soup stock.
3.Put the soup stock on a stove and add vegetables. Boil for 25 min.
4.Add rice after 10 min.
5.Take out fish bones, add to soup when the vegetables are ready. Next — add herbs, bring to boil and switch off the heat.
6.Leave for 25-30 min before serve.

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