
English version of recepies. Все статьиДобавить комментарий к Chachochbili


*Chicken — legs, chicken quarter, chicken fillet
*You can take the whole chicken — 1 kg
*Tomato juice — 1l
*1 onion
*1 carrot
*2 cloves of garlic (to taste)
*Herbs to taste (coriander, parsley, spring onion)

1,Fry pieced of chicken in a pot for 2 min.
2,Pour tomato juice. Juice should cover the chicken.
3,Cut onion and carrot, fry it and put on the chicken. Boil untill done. Add spices and dry adjika sauce.
4,In the end add garlic and herbs. Simmer  for 5 min.

Attention! It is better not to hurry up and simmer Chachochbili just a little more.

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