Burger in a tortilla

Домашний бургер с лавашом, мясным фаршем и сыром на сковороде
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Burger in a tortilla

Домашний бургер с лавашом, мясным фаршем и сыром на сковородеIngredients:
*1-2 Tortilla
*Forcemeat — 300g
*1 middle or smal onion
*Мayonnaise or  cream cheese (to taste). I don’t add it.
*Cheddar cheese — 200g
*Cream 10% — 200g
*Butter — 50g
*Flour — 1-2 flat tbsp.
*Tomatom, cucumber, lettuce leaves — to taste.
*Salt, black paper, spices — to taste.

1.Fry forcemeat untill done, season with salt and black peper.
2.Cut vegetables.
3.Make a sauce: melt butter, add flour, cream and Cheddar cheese (leave a bit cheese for decoration). Season with salt and black peper.
4.Building the burger:
5.Torlilla + forcemeat
6.Cheese sauce
8.The rest part of cheese.
9.Cover with other tortilla and fix the burger.
10.Toast on a pan with each side.


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