Cream of mushroom soup with Parmesan cheese

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Cream of mushroom soup with Parmesan cheese

*White mushrooms — 500g. I use th whole mushrooms.
*3 Potatoes
*1 Onion
*Soup stock or water 1.5 L. I use water.
*Dairy cream 10% — 200ml
*Parmesan cheese — 50g
*Salt, peper — to taste.

*Cut all vegetables and mushrooms.
*Simmer potatoes for 20 min
*Fry onion and add mushrooms. Fry all for 20 min.
*Next stage — add mushrooms to potatoes. Bring to the boil and boil for 5 min.
*Take off form a stove, make a puree. Using a hand blender.
*Add dairy cream an bring to boil all ingredients.
*As it is boiling, add cheese (fine grate). Boil for 5 min,  stir at a steady pace

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