- Flour — 500-550g
- Milk — 800-850 g ( if you want to hve thin pancakes use 1 L milk)
- 5 eggs
- Salt — ta taste
- Sunflower oil for batter — approx 0,5 glass (220g glass)
- Mix eggs and milk, add flour.
- Mix all properly. The batter should be smoth. Add oil and salt.
- If it is nesassary add flour and milk. If the batter is too liquid — add flour. If too thick — add milk.
- My recommendation for new users — fry on a small fry pan. It is more easy to turn the pancakes. Its better to use a special spatula.
- Pour the portion of batter on fry pan, distribute it. Wait until dough sticks together and turn the pancake. Fry the second side until it turns red.