- 5 middle apples with a bit of sourness.
- 4 eggs
- Sugar — 100g
- Flour — 150g
- Zest of lemon or orange half.
- Сinnamon — to taste
- Vanilla — to taste.
- Pinch of salt.
- Sour cream — 1 big tbsp.
- Butter — 20-25g
- Beat eggs up until egg whites froth up a bit. Add sugar and vanilla gradually (vanilla — optional. You can change vanilla to vanilla sugar)
- Blend all up until cream consistency. It took 5 min but, of cause, it depends of your mixer.
- Pare off apples, remove seeds of an apple and cut for thin slices.
- Half of cutted apples place on baking pan, place butter on apples and put into oven (180C) until butter melt
- The rest part of apples leaves for decoration. We need 18 sm spring form pan.
- Sift flour and salt, add to egg batter. Next — add sour cream and fine grate zest and mix all gently. The movements — up-down
- Take out the baking pan with apples, mix apples witn butter, drizzle with cinnamon.
- Pour batter.
- Place the rest of apples as a rose on pie (each slice fix on pie in spiral order to the centre of pie). At the end you must have a big rose.
- If you wish you can powder the pie with cinnamon.
- Bake for 40-50 min at 180C. It depends on your oven. It took 45 min in my oven.
- Enjoy!