Сhicken wings with honey crust and soy sauce

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Сhicken wings with honey crust and soy sauce

-Chicken wings — 1 kg
-Soy sauce — optional
-1 tbsp honey
-Spices (salt, black peper, red peper, paprika) — to taste.

-Remove phalange of wings.
-Cut wings into 2 parts and season with salt, peper. Add any type of hot spices. I love adding paprika.
-Fry each side of wings untill  golden brown for 7-10 min.
-Pour sauce of each piece and fry  for 5 min.
-Turn pieces and pour sauce once again and fry for 5 min.
-Once sauce is frothing up, add honey and mix up.  Honey crystallizes for a couple of min.

Enjoy! Add sesame.

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