Samosa with beef

Самса из слоеного теста в домашних условиях лучший рецепт
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Samosa with beef

-Water — 200g
-Vinegar — 1 tsp
-1 egg
-Flour — 500g
-Salt — 1 tsp
-Butter — 150g
-Forcemeat with onion — 600g
-Salt, spices for forcemeat — to taste.

-Mix up water, vinegar and egg.
-Add sifted flour and salt. Add first part of flour,  the rest part of flour — add gredually.
-Make a dough .Dough must not  stick in fingers
-Cover with food wrap and leave for 20 min (room temperature)
-Roll out the dough thinly.
-Stretch by hand untill semipellucid condition.
-Spread with melted butter.
-Make a roulade.
-Turn up roulade like a snail and cover with food wrape
-Put to a fridge for 20 min.
-Cut dough for pieces. I had 16 pieces for small size of samosa.
-Press those pieces.
-Roll out each pieces of dough.
-Add filling.
-And make turnovers.
-Bake for 40-45 min at 180C
-Spead top of samosa with egg and sesame.

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