Salad with shrimps

салат с креветками
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Salad with shrimps

салат с креветкамиIngredients:
*10 quail eggs
*Skinned Shrimps — 150g
*Lettuce (any kinds — Romaine or Iceberg Lettuce, etc) — 150g
*Parmesan cheese — to taste (20-40g).
*10 Сherry tomatoes
*Mayonnaise — optional.
*Lemon  juice — 1 tsp.

1. Boil eggs. Boild shrimps with salt and pepper.
2.Cut eggs and cherry tomatoes.
3. Cut lettuce eby hands.
4 Fine grate Parmesan cheese
5. Put lettuce, shrimps, eggs, tomatoes into salad dish.
6. Sprinkle with lemon juice, season with salt (to taste) and add mayonnaise. Mix all well.
7. Decorate each portion with Parmesan cheese on top.
Enjoy!салат с креветкамисалат с креветками

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