Mimosa salad with tuna

рулет с тунцом на праздник и новый год
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Mimosa salad with tuna

рулет с тунцом на праздник и новый годIngredients for 4-5 portions:
*2 Potatoes (300g)
*1 carrot (100g)
*1 Onion — to taste. I don’t use it.
*Cheese — 200-250g
*2 eggs
*Canned Tuna — 185g
*Herbs, salt, mayonnaise — to taste.

1. Boil potatoes, eggs and carrot.  Onion treats with boiling water.
2. Grate potapoes, chop 1/2 onion.
3. Grate cheese, carrot, egg whites and yolk.
4. Mash tuna in a can.
5. Building of salad:
1st layer — potato+mayonnaise;
2nd layer — tuna + onion.
3rd layer — white eggs +mayonnaise
4th layer — cheese+carrot+mayonnaise
5th layer — herbs (to taste)+yolk.

I recommend you to put the salad into fridge overnight.
Attention! If you like salty dish add salt into potato.

салат мимоза с тунцом на праздничный и новогодний стол

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