Potato zrazy (like small potatoes pies with forcemeat)

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Potato zrazy (like small potatoes pies with forcemeat)

-Forcemeat — 300g
-Mashed potatoes — 800g
-1 big onion
-Mushrooms — 350g
-1 Egg yolk
-Flour — 3 tbsp for mashed potatoes
-Pinch of flour for sauce.
-Butter — 50g
-Cream 10-20% — 200g
-Salt, herbs, spices — to taste.

1.Make a mashed potatoes (salt — to taste). Add butter, egg yolk and flour. Mix all up.
2.Fry 1/2 big  onion for 5 min. If you have smal onion, fry the whole onion.
3.Add forcemeat and simmer for 15 min. Salt and black peper.
4.Making zrazy: make a potato tortilla, put filling from forcemeat in the middle of tortilla and join the edges of tortilla.
Life hack — do it of wet hands.»
5.Roll zrary in flour and fry each side for 7 min.
6.Making sauce: fry the rest part of big onion.
7.Add mushrooms and fry for 15 min
8.Add cream and pinch of flour. Add salt, peper and spices. Simmer for 3 min.

P.S. It is better to cook fresh sauce for each serve. If you do not want to do it you shoud  increase sauce ingredients in 2 times.

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