Burger with becon, egg and Cheddar cheese

Бургер с беконом, яйцом и сыром Чеддер в домашних условиях
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Burger with becon, egg and Cheddar cheese

Бургер с беконом, яйцом и сыром Чеддер в домашних условияхIngredients for one burger:
*2 eggs,
*3 slices of becon.
*Tasty buns.
*Мayonnaise sauce or what you like. We use barbeque.
*Cheddar cheese — 3 thick slices.
*Tomatoes — to taste. I don’t use it.

1. Cut the buns and butter the cut sides of all buns.
2. Fry till the golden  brown.
3. Fry bacon for each side.
4. Beat eggs up and fry as a pancake.
5. Putt 2 slices of cheese.
6. Roll up half egg pancake.
7. Put one more slice of cheese and make a triangle. Fry for 1 min.
8. Prepate tomatoes (vegetables) — to taste.

Building the burger:
9. Take our fried buns.
10. Put on mayonnaise sauce
11. Place lettuce.
12. Next stage — eggs and slices of Cheddar cheese.
13 Next layer — slices of becon.
14. Next layer — Tomatoes (vegetables) — to taste.
16. Sause — we use barbeque.
17. Cover with top bun
18. Fix with a party pick.

Ready. Yammy!

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