Sandwich wrap with ham. Ingridients (for 2 sandwich wrap)

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Sandwich wrap with ham. Ingridients (for 2 sandwich wrap)

Ingridients (for 2 sandwich wrap):

  1. One tortilla.
  2. Processed cheese — 1 block.
  3. Hard cheese.
  4. Slices of ham.
  5. 2 eggs.


  • take a tortilla
  • to fry eggs per each side for 2 min. Once egg-yolk is about to ready the egg is flipped.
  • spread tortilla on processed cheese.
  • Put slices of hard cheese.
  • Put slices of harm.
  • Cut egg and put on ham.
  • lay the egg on the sausage
  • To roll up the tortilla.
  • To cook on grill.


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